Note: PDF versions of the presentations are linked to the session number below
Sunday, November 11th
4:00 6:00 p.m. Workshop Registration Desk Open
6:00 7:30 p.m. Icebreaker
P1 Blended Global High Resolution Sea Surface
Forcing Parameters for Numerical Ocean Modeling; Huai-Min Zhang, Richard
W. Reynolds, Lei Shi, & John J. Bates
P2 Overview of the Operational
Marine Forecast and Warning Products at the Ocean Prediction Center and the
National Hurricane Center; Christopher Burr, Hugh Cobb, Mark Willis,
Martin C. Nelson, Robert Berg, David Feit, Scott Prosise, and David Mills
P3 Corrupted
Quickscat Data and Resultant Erroneous Wave Watch III Output. Robert
Burke &Patrick Caldwell
P4 Prototyping
Fine-Resolution Operational Wave Forecasts for the Northwest Atlantic.
Will Perrie, Bash Toulany, Peter Smith & Yongcun Hu
P5 Breaking of Nonlinear Two-Dimensional
Waves in Deep Water. Alexander Babanin, Dmitry Chalikov, Ian R. Young &
Ivan Savelyev
P6 Estimation of Plunging Surf
Spectra from Remotely Measured Infrasound. Joseph Park, Milton Garces &
David Fee
P7 Interannual
Variability & Predictability of Summertime Significant Wave Heights in the
Western North Pacific.
Wataru Sasaki & Toshiyuki Hibiya
P8 Nonlinear Unidirectional &
Directional Spectra in Currituck Sound Time Series. Al R. Osborne
P9 High Accuracy Ocean Surface
Winds from SAR Imagery. Will Perrie & Hui Shen
P10 Spectral
Density Composite for Aiding Hawaiian Southern Shore Surf Forecasts.
Patrick Caldwell
P11 Effect of Wind Resolution
on Spectral Wave Modeling in the Hawaii Region. Justin Stopa, Demont Hansen
& Kwok Fai Cheung
P12 Wind
Sea & Swell Delineation for Numerical Wave Modeling. Barbara Tracy,
Eve Marie Devaliere, Troy Nicolini, Hendrik Tolman & Jeffrey L. Hanson
P13 Future
Exploitation of In-Situ Wave Measurements at Station Mike. Margaret
Yelland, K. Bjorheim, C. Gommenginger, R.W. Pascall & B.I. Moat
P14 Assessing
Extreme Storm Intensity by Combining Storm Power with Surge; Heidi P.
Moritz & Hans R. Moritz
P15 Pacific Land Ocean Typhoon
(PILOT) Update. C. Pollock, S. Boc, A. Garcia, M. Merrifield, A-C Pequignet,
J. Becker, J. Aucan, O. Vetter, T. Hilmer, K-F. Cheung, J. Goo, P. Quiroga &
Y. Wu
P16 A Study of Ocean Waves at
Fishermans Wharf, Victoria Harbour. David B. Fissel, Jianhua Jiang
& Dave Billenness
P17 Spectral Wave Modeling of
Swell Transformations in Indigenous Marshallese Navigation; J. Genz, J.
Aucan, B. Finney, M. Merrifield
P18 Deployment of an RDCP600 to
Measure Directional Wave Spectra in Open and Marginal Ice Zones;Oceana Francis-Chythlook
& David Atkinson
P19 Wind Waves Numerical Simulation
: Hurricane Dean Case Study; J. Antonio Salinas, Roberto Padilla-Hernandez
& Fernando Oropeza
P20 US Army Corps of Engineers
Wave and Current Data Collection Activities in the Hawaiian Islands:2005
2007; Jessica Podoski, Thomas Smith, Kent Hathaway & Stanley Boc
Monday, November 12th
8:00 a.m. Welcome and Hawaiian Blessing
A: Coastal Waves I Chair: Al Osborne
8:20 a.m. A1.
Four Wave Resonance Interactions in the Shallow
Water Boussinesq Equations; Miguel Onorato, Al Osborne, Donald Resio &
Peter Janssen
8:40 a.m. A2.
Modeling Nonlinear Random Wave Propagation Over Cohesive Sediments; James M.
Kaihatu, Alexandru Sheremet & Steve Su
9:00 a.m. A3.
Coupled Wave and Sediment Dynamics
on Atchafalaya Shelf, Louisiana, US; Alexandru Sheremet, S. Jaramillo &
M. A. Allison
9:20 a.m. A4.
Bottom Friction in Nearshore Wave Models; Jane McKee Smith & Alison Sleath
9:40 a.m. A5.
Wave Transformation
Modeling with Bottom Friction Applied to Southeast Oahu Reefs; Mary A. Cialone
& Jane M. Smith
10:00 a.m. BREAK
Session B: Coastal Waves II Chair: Tom Smith
10:15 a.m. B1. Hindcasting
of Waves and Wave Loads on Dutch Wadden Sea Defenses; Ap van Dongeren, Jacco
Groeneweg, Gerbrant van Vledder & Andre van der Westhuijsen
10:35 a.m. B2.
Sea Surface Elevation Maps Obtained with
a Nautical X-Band Radar Examples from WaMoS II Stations; Katrin Hessner
& Konstanze Reichert
10:55 a.m. B3.
Operational Implementation of a Multi-Grid Wave
Forecasting System; Arun Chawla, Degui Cao, Vera Gerald Todd Spindler &
Hendrik Tolman
11:15 a.m. B4.
Components of Storm-Induced Water
Level Along the Coastal Margin and Related Effects on the Nearshore Wave Environment.
Hans R. Moritz & Heidi P. Moritz
11:35 a.m. B5.
Occurrence of Coinciding High
Surf and Tides Along the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii; Patrick Caldwell,
Jerome P. Aucan & Christopher P. Kontoes
11:55 p.m. LUNCH
Session C: Wave Dissipation Chair: Peter Janssen
1:25 p.m. C1.
Dissipation Term for Wave Forecast Models, Experimental Study; Alexander
Babanin and Ian Young
1:45 p.m. C2.
Implementation of New Experimental Input/Dissipation Terms for Modeling Spectral
Evolution of Wind Waves; Alexander Babanin, Kakha Tsagareli, Ian Young &
David Walker
2:05 p.m. C3.
The Performance of the WAM4.5 Based on a Revised Formulation of the Whitecapping
Dissipation and on Limiting the Drag Coefficient in Hurricane Type Wind Forcing;
Roop Lalbeharry & Serge Desjardins
2:25 p.m. C4.
Dissipation due to Wave Breaking; V.E. Zakharov, F. Dias, A.I. Dyachenko &
A. O. Prokofiev
2:45 p.m. BREAK
Session D: MORPHOS Chair: Robert Jensen
3:00 p.m. D1. Methodology
and Results for Nearshore Wave Simulation in a Coupled Hydrodynamic and Wave
Model System to Evaluate Storm Surge in Coastal Louisiana; Christopher Bender
& Jane McKee Smith
3:20 p.m. D2.
Realtime Wave and Surge Modeling with High Resolution Atmospheric Model Coupling;
Patrick Welsh
3:40 p.m. D3.
Evaluation of
Wave Model Performance in a North Carolina Test Bed; Eve-Marie Devaliere,
Jeff Hanson & Rick Leuttich
4:00 p.m. D4.
MORPHOS: Advancing Coastal Process
Research and Modeling; Jeffrey L. Hanson, Donald T. Resio & Rob Wallace
4:20 p.m. D5.
Modeling Hurricane Impacts on Beaches,
Dunes & Barrier Islands; Dano Roelvink, Ad Reniers, Ap van Dongeren,
Jaap van Thiel de Vries, Jamie Lescinski & Dirk-Jan Walstra
4:40 p.m. D6.
Nearshore Sediment Entrainment Under Breaking
Waves; Bradley D. Johnson
Tuesday, November 13th
E: Climate Change Chair: David Levinson
8:00 a.m. E1.
MSC Beaufort Sea Wind and Wave Reanalysis; V.R. Swail, V.J. Cardone, M.
Ferguson, D.J. Gummer & A.T. Cox
8:20 a.m. E2.
A High-Resolution Hindcast Study for the
North Sea, the Norwegian Sea & the Barents Sea; Magnar Reistad, Oyvind
Breivik & Hilde Haakenstad
8:40 a.m. E3.
Characteristics of Wind Wave Periods, Lenghts and Steepness from Vos Data Over
the Global World Ocean and in the Offshore Regions; Sergey Gulev & Vika
9:00 a.m. E4.
Dynamical Versus Statistical Downscaling Approaches for Projecting Ocean Wave
Heights; Xiaolan L. Wang & Val R. Swail
9:20 a.m. E5.
Wind, Wave and Storm Surge Hindcasts
& Scenarios and Related Coastal & Offshore Applications: The CoastDat
Data Set at the GKSS Institute for Coastal Research; Ralf Weisse, Ulrich
Callies, Heinz Gunther, Hans von Storch, Frauke Feser, Katja Woth, Iris Grabemann
& Andreas Pluess
9:40 a.m. BREAK
F: Improved Physics / Measurements for Prediction Chair: George Forristal
9:55 a.m. F1. The Back Effect of
Breaking Waves on Adverse Currents; Chris Garrett
10:15 a.m. F2.
Experimental Justification of Weakly
Turbulent Nature of Growing Wind Seas; S.I. Badulin,A.V. Babanin, D. Resio,
V.E. Zakharov
10:35 a.m. F3.
The High-Frequency Range of Wind Wave Spectra and Implications for Wave Breaking;
Donald T. Resio & Charles E. Long
10:55 a.m. F4.
Coupling Alongshore Variations
in Wave Energy to Beach Morphologic Change Using the SWAN Wave Model at Ocean
Beach, San Francisco, CA; Jodi Eshleman, Patrick L. Barnard, Li H. Erikson
& Daniel M. Hanes
11:15 a.m. F5.
Hurricane Wave and Surge Computations: Deficiencies & Research Needs; Joannes
Westerink, J. Smith, V. Cardone, A. Cox, D. Resio, R. Jensen, T. Wamsley &
B. Ebersole
11:35 a.m. LUNCH
G: Wave Prediction Tropical Chair: Vince Cardone
1:05 p.m. G1.
North Atlantic Wind Waves of 2005 Hurricane
Season Prediction vs. Observation; Hendrik L. Tolman & Yung Y.
1:25 p.m. G2.
To Blend of Not To Blend: In the Pursuit of Finding an Operational Way to Give
Hurricane Characteristics to the CMC Forecast Wind Field; S. Desjardins, R.
Lalbeharry, H. Ritchie, & A. Macafee - Presentation
p.m. G3. Comparing Hindcasts with Wave Measurements
from Hurricane Lili, Ivan, Katrina & Rita; George Z. Forristall
2:05 p.m. G4.
Forecast Error Analysis During Hurricane Katrina Using the NOPP Real-Time Prediction
System for Tropical Cyclones; Hans C. Graber, Andrew Cox, Robert E. Jensen,
Don Slinn, Scott Hagan, Robert Weaver, Neil Williams, Geoffrey Samules &
Vincent Cardone
2:25 p.m. BREAK
H: Model Verificatons Chair: Val Swail
3:00 p.m. H1.
Inter-Comparison of Operational
Wave Forecasting Systems; Jean-Raymond Bidlot, Jian-Guo Li, Paul Wittmann,
Manon Fauchon, Hsuan Chen, Jean-Michel Lefevre, Thomas Bruns, Diana Greenslade,
Fabrice Ardhuin, Nadao Kohno, Sanwook Park & Marta Gomez
3:20 p.m. H2.
Development of Spatial Inter-Comparison
Within the Operational Wave Forecast Verification Exchange; Adrian Hines,
Jean-Michel Lefevre & Dave Poulter
3:40 p.m. H3. Using Altimeter Data
to Validate & Develop Wave Models; Hendrik Tolman
4:00 p.m. H4.
Validation & Application
of Jason-1 and Envisat Significant Wave Heights; Tom Durrant and Diana Greenslade
4:20 p.m. H5.
Updates to WAM CY 4.5+; Robert E. Jensen, H. Gunther & P. Janssen
4:40 p.m. H6.
Consensus Forecasts of Integrated Wave Parameters;
Tom Durrant &Frank Woodcock and Diana Greenslade
Wednesday, November 14th
Session I: Estimation of Coastal Hazards I
Chair: Jessica Podoski
8:00 a.m. I1. Hindcasting Winds,
Waves & Storm Surge for Hurricane Katrina; Joannes Westerink
8:20 a.m. I2. Hindcasting Winds,
Waves & Storm Surge for Hurricane Rita; Casey Dietrich, J. Smith, J. Westerink,
J. Atkinson, S. Bunya, R. Jensen, V. Cardone, A. Cox, H. Westerink, R. Luettich
& C. Dawson
8:40 a.m. I3. Representation of Vegetation
on the Wind Boundary Layer and Surface Bottom Friction; John Atkinson
9:00 a.m. I4. High Performance Computing
to Resolve Propagation and Advection Dominated Multi-Scale Multi-Process Physics;
Clint Dawson, E. Kubatko & J. Westerink
9:20 a.m. I5.
The Influence
of Barrier Islands and Lower Plaquemines Parish Mississippi River Levees on
Waves and Storm Surge in Southern Louisiana; Wiebe de Jong & Hugh Roberts
9:40 a.m. BREAK
J: Estimation of Coastal Hazards II Chair: Darryl Hatheway
9:55 a.m. J1.
Comparison of Emperical Methods and a Boussinesq-Type Wave Model for Predicting
Overtopping of Coastal Structures; Patrick J. Lynett, Don Resio & Mathijs
van Ledden
10:15 a.m. J2.
Louisiana Chenier Plain Regional Hydrodynamic, Salinity & Hydrologic Numerical
Models; Ehab Meselhe, Robert Miller & Jeanne Arceneaux
10:35 a.m. J3.
Influence of Wetland Degradation
on Surge; Ty Wamsley, John Atkinson, Mary A. Cialone, Alison S. Grzegorzewski,
Kendra Dresback, Randy Kolar, Joannes Westerink
10:55 a.m. J4.
Probabilistic Design Method of
Levee and Floodwall Heights for the Hurricane Protection System in the New Orleans
Area; Mathijs van Ledden, Pat Lynett, Don Resio & Nancy Powell
11:15 a.m. J5.
of the Spectral Shape of Wave Conditions for Engineering Design & Coastal
Hazard Assessment Evidence from the English Channel; Andrew Bradbury,
Travis Mason, Tim Poate & Tamzin Palmer
11:35 a.m. LUNCH
K: Estimation of Coastal Hazards III Chair: Dr. H. Das
1:05 p.m. K1.
Performance of the JPM and EST Methods in Storm Surge Studies; David Divoky
& Don Resio
1:25 p.m. K2.
Hurricane Surge Classification for Risk Assessment Along the Gulf of Mexico
Coastline; Jennifer L. Irish & Donald T. Resio
1:45 p.m. K3.
The Evaluation of Storm Surge
Hazard in Coastal Mississippi & Louisiana; Alan Niedoroda, D. Resio,
D. Divoky, R. Lowe, L. Charles, H. Das & C. Reed
2:05 p.m. K4.
Time Dependent Wave Setup During Hurricanes on the Mississippi Coast; Don Slinn,
A.W. Niedoroda, R.G. Dean, H. Das, R. Weaver, C. Reed & J. Smith
2:25 p.m. K5.
Approaches for the Efficient
Probabilistic Calculation of Surge Hazard; Gabriel Toro
2:45 p.m. BREAK
L: Climate Variation & Coastal Hazards Chair: John J. Marra
3:00 p.m. L1.
Is There a Discernible Anthropogenic
Impact on Atlantic Hurricane Activity; Thomas R. Knutson
3:20 p.m. L2.
Cyclones in a Warming Climate: Observational Evidence of Trends in Frequencies
and Intensities in the North Pacific, North Atlantic & Great Lakes Regions;
David Levinson & Peter Bromirski
3:40 p.m. L3.
Extreme Still Water Levels;
Sofia Caires, Ferdinand Diermanse, Douwe Dillingh & Reimer de Graaff
4:00 p.m. L4.
An Overview of Different Methods for Assessing Historical Hurricane Frequency
and Potential Risk for the Gulf of Mexico Coast; David Levinson, Trevor Wallis
& Mike Squires
4:20 p.m. L5.
The Modern Predictability
of the 1966 Big Venice Flood; Luigi Cavaleri, Luciana Bertotti & Roberto
6:00 p.m. RECEPTION
6:45 p.m. LUAU
Thursday, November 15th
M: Tropical Meteorology Chair: Mark Powell
8:00 a.m. M1.
Cyclone Atmospheric Forcing for Ocean Response Models: Approaches & Issues;
Vincent Cardone & Andrew Cox
8:20 a.m. M2.
of Tropical Cyclone Parameters from Aircraft Reconnaissance; Andrew Cox
& Vincent Cardone
8:40 a.m. M3.
CBLAST Program of Coupled High Resolution Hurricane Models; Shuyi Chen
9:00 a.m. M4.
Realistic Simulations of Intense Hurricanes with the NCEP/NCAR WRF Modeling
System; Chris Davis & Greg Holland
9:20 a.m. M5. New
Findings on Hurricane Intensity, Wind Field Extent & Surface Drag Coefficient
Behavior; Mark Powell
9:40 a.m. M6.
Uncertainty in Population Properties of North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones; Peter
10:00 a.m. BREAK
N: Extreme Waves Chair: Miguel Onorato
10:15 a.m. N1.
The Voyager
Storm in the Mediterranean Sea; Luigi Cavaleri & Luciana Bertotti
10:35 a.m. N2.
Are Unexpected Waves as Important as Rogue Waves? Johannes Gemmrich
& Chris Garrett
10:55 a.m. N3.
Extension of the ECMWF Freak Wave Warning System to 2 Dimensional Propagation;
Peter Janssen, Nobuhito Mori & Miguel Onorato
11:15 a.m. N4.
Freak Wave Prediction from Spectra; Nobuhito
Mori, Peter Janssen & Miguel Onorato
11:35 a.m. N5. Modeling
Rogue Waves in Fully Directional Sea States; Al Osborne
11:55 a.m. N6.
Evolution of Random Directional
Wave and Rogue Wave Occurrence; Takuji Waseda & Takeshi Kinoshita
12:15 p.m. N7.
Freak Waves as a Result of Modulational Instability; Vladimir Zakharov &
A. Dyachenko
Friday, November 16th
O: Island Inundation Chair: Stan Boc
8:00 a.m. O1.
Predicting Wave Conditions in a Coral Embayment from Offshore Directional Spectral
Model Input; Ron Hoeke & Curt Storlazzi
8:20 a.m. O2.
Phase-Resolving Simulation of Wave Evolution Over a Shallow Reef; Patrick Lynett
8:40 a.m. O3. Waves and Water Level
Collected During the Pacific Island Land Ocean Typhoon Experiment; Mark Merrifield,
A-C Pequignet, J. Becker, J. Aucan, O. Vetter, T. Hilmer, S. Boc, C. Pollock,
K.-F. Cheung, J. Goo, P. Quiroga & Y. Wu
9:00 a.m. O4.
Wave Energy Budget for Pacific Island Nearshore Environments; Anne-Christine
Pequignet, Janet M. Becker & Mark A. Merrifield
9:20 a.m. O5.
Combined Wind and Waves Over a Reef;
Alejandro Sanchez, Jane Smith, Zeki Demirbilek & Stan Boc
9:40 a.m. BREAK
Q: Wave Model Applications for Coastal Hazards Chair: Alex Sheremet
9:55 a.m. Q1.
Estimation of Probable Maximum Wave Height
in the Sea Areas around Japan Based on Simulations of Typhoon and Depression
(Storm) Generated Waves; Masataka Yamaguchi, Hirokazu Nonaka & Yoshio
10:15 a.m. Q2.
Diagnosing the Large Swell Event
Associated with the Extratropical Transition of Hurricane Florence (2006);
Mark C. Willis
10:35 a.m. Q3.
The Improvement of JMA Operational
Wave Models; Toshiharu Tauchi
10:55 a.m. Q4.
The 2007 Release of WAVEWATCH; Hendrik Tolman
11:15 a.m. Q5.
Numerical Aspects and Source Term
Analysis of Wave Modeling in a Tidal Inlet; Gerbrant van Vledder, Jacco
Groeneweg, Andre van der Westhuijsen & Ap van Dongeren
11:35 a.m. BREAK (Setup for Working
Working Lunch Box Lunches
R: Model Improvements Chair: Jeff Hanson
12:05 p.m R1.
Numerical Investigations for the Applicability of SRIAM Method as a New Non-Linear
Energy Transfer Function; Hitoshi Tamura, Takuji Waseda, Yasumasa Miyazawa &
Kousei Komatsu
12:25 p.m. R2.
A Two-Scale Approximation for Nonlinear Energy
Transfers in Observed Wave Spectra; Will Perrie & Donald Resio
12:45 p.m. R3.
Operationalisation of the TSA Method for the
Computation of Non-Linear Four-Wave Interactions in Third-Generation Wave Models;
Gerbrant van Vledder
13:05 p.m. Closing Remarks / Closing Ceremony
Withdrawn Presentations
Upstream Non-Oscillatory Advention Schemes Suitable for Ocean Wave Models; Jian-Guo Li
Verification of Ocean Wave Ensemble Forecast at NCEP; Degui Cao, H.S. Chen and Hendrik Tolman