Sunday October 1

6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Workshop Registration Desk Open

6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Welcome Reception in Stinson-Remick Hall

Monday October 2

8:00 - 9:00 a.m. Workshop Registration Desk Open in Notre Dame Conference Center, McKenna Hall

9:00 a.m. Welcome and Introduction

Session AA: Social Science

Chair: Val Swail

Forecasting tropical cyclone surge for humanitarian relief
9:30 a.m.
Stephen Grey
Presenter: Grey Download Presentation

9:50 a.m. Break

Session B: Coastal Risk 1

Chair: Keith Roberts

Improving estimation of the Coastal Vulnerability Index by incorporating rainfall dynamics into fine-scale storm surge modeling
10:40 a.m.
Danial Golbaz, Yao Hu, Fengyan Shi and Tian-Jian (Tom) Hsu
Presenter: Golbaz Download Presentation
Hurricane Surge and Inland Flooding Impacts on Hazard Quantification and Mitigation along the Houston Ship Channel and Buffalo Bayou, Texas
11:00 a.m.
James Kaihatu, Morgan Calvey, Lauren Padilla, Galen Newman and Cloelle Danforth
Presenter: Kaihatu Download Presentation
Cascading Uncertainty in Compound Flood Hazard Assessment
11:20 a.m.
David F. Muñoz, Hamed Moftakhari and Hamid Moradkhani
Presenter: Muñoz Download Presentation
11:40 a.m.

Session BB: Wave Measurement 1

Chair: Val Swail

Drifting Buoys Observation of Typhoon Generated Extreme Ocean Waves and the Reduced Drag Coefficient
10:40 a.m.
Tomoya Shimura,  Nobuhito Mori and Takuya Miyashita
Presenter: Shimura Download Presentation
A new operational wind wave observing system based on navigational X?band radar: a potential for a massive wave observations worldwide
11:00 a.m.
Natalia Tilinina, Elizaveta Ezhova, Sergey Gulev and Vitali Sharmar
Presenter: Ezhova Download Presentation
Wave measurements in the Antarctic marginal ice zone and in the Southern Ocean using LainePoiss type buoys
11:20 a.m.
Victor Alari, Jan-Victor Björkqvist, Patrik Bohlinger, Mikko Lensu, Valdur Kaldvee and Kristjan Mölder
Presenter: Alari Download Presentation
Revealing wind wave spectra from visual observations
11:40 a.m.
Vika Grigorieva, Sergey Gulev, Yaron Toledo and Vitaly Sharmar
Presenter: Toledo Download Presentation

12:00 p.m. Lunch

Session C: Coastal Risk 2

Chair: James Kaihatu

Assessing Coastal Flood Risk for Arterial Road Construction on Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
1:30 p.m.
Keith J. Roberts, Onur Kurum, Dave Anglin and Derek Williamson
Presenter: Roberts Download Presentation
Assessing Coastal Flooding in Data-Scarce Regions: A Case Study for A Caribbean Island
1:50 p.m.
Felix Santiago-Collazo, Luis Cordova-Lopez, Hannah Lim and Daniela Cordova de Horta
Presenter: Santiago-Collazo Download Presentation
The role of storm motion and environmental flow for surge risk assessment
2:10 p.m.
Geeta Nain, William Pringle and Rao Kotamarthi
Presenter: Nain Download Presentation
2:30 p.m.

Session CC: Wave Measurement 2

Chair: Val Swail

Sea State Uncertainty near the Coast from Recent Satellite Observations Including the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich – Jason-3 Tandem Phase Experiment
1:30 p.m.
Ben Timmermans, Christine Gommenginger and Chris Banks
Presenter: Timmermans Download Presentation
Observing directional wave spreading at global and regional scales using the CFOSAT/SWIM mission
1:50 p.m.
Daniel Peláez-Zapata, Vikram Pakrashi and Frédéric Dias
Presenter: Peláez-Zapata Download Presentation
A regional comparison of wave observations from Lagrangian Directional Wave Spectra Drifters (DWSD) to moored wave buoys and WAVEWATCH III
2:10 p.m.
Martha Schonau,  Luca Centurioni, Lance Braasch, Terri Paluszkiewicz and Ali Abdolali
Presenter: Schonau
2:30 p.m.

2:50 p.m. Break and Poster Session

Session D: Boulder Dynamcs

Chair: Andrew Kennedy

Numerical Investigation of Boulder Movement on Seabed
3:50 p.m.
Constantinos Menelaou, Daniel Toal and Frederic Dias
Presenter: Menelaou Download Presentation
Small boulders transport dynamics in a highly energetic coastal environment
4:10 p.m.
Lucia Robles-Diaz and Frédéric Dias
Presenter: Robles-Diaz Download Presentation
Coastal Boulder Transport and Deposition in Western Ireland as a Signature of Storm Climate
4:30 p.m.
Hannah Spero, Melissa A. Berke, Mary Bourke, Rónadh Cox, Niamh Cullen, Frederic Dias, Arnaud Disant, Patrick Faherty, James Herterich and Andrew B. Kennedy
Presenter: Spero Download Presentation
4:50 p.m.
5:10 p.m.

Session DD: Great Lakes

Chair: David Cannon

Numerical Modeling of Wave-Driven Flooding on Lake Ontario
3:50 p.m.
Behnaz Ghodoosipour, Andrew Cornett, Mitchel Provan, Enda Murphy and Mike Shantz
Presenter: Ghodoosipour Download Presentation
Predicting Lake Erie wave using XGBoost
4:10 p.m.
Haoguo Hu, Andre van der Westhuysen, Philip Chu and Ayumi Fujisaki-Manome
Presenter: Hu Download Presentation
Expanding the Great Lakes Operational Forecast System to Simulate Coastal Flooding
4:30 p.m.
Dan Titze, Jesse Feyen, Dima Beletsky and Brooke Odstrchel
Presenter: Odstrchel Download Presentation
An Overview of Coupled ADCIRC/SWAN Model Development and Results for Lake Ontario as Part of a Multi-Agency Effort to Quantify Future Conditions in the Great Lakes
4:50 p.m.
Fatima Bukhari, Margaret Owensby, John Goertz, Chris Massey, Dylan Robinson, Candice Hall, Bob Jensen, Norberto Nadal-Caraballo and  Madison Yawn
Presenter: Bukhari
An Overview of a Multi-Agency Modeling Effort to Quantify Future Conditions in the Great Lakes
5:10 p.m.
Margaret Owensby,  Chris Massey,  Robert Jensen, Norberto Nadal-Caraballo, Madison Yawn, David Bucaro, Johnna Potthoff and Kaitlyn McClain
Presenter: Owensby

5:30 p.m. Sessions end for day

Tuesday October 3

Session E: Storm Surge Forecasting 1

Chair: Nadao Kohno

Recent upgrades of operational storm surge models in Japan Meteorological Agency
8:30 a.m.
Jumpei Sugano, Takashi Fukuura, Hiroshi Hasagawa and Masakazu Higaki
Presenter: Sugano Download Presentation
Operational forecast of storm surges in Brazil and Mozambique
8:50 a.m.
Ricardo de Camargo and Alberto José Bie
Presenter: de Camargo Download Presentation
Machine-Learning-Based Time-Series Forecasting for Rapid Correction of Global STOFS
9:10 a.m.
Albert Cerrone, Coleman Blakely, Damrongsak Wirasaet, Clint Dawson and Joannes Westerink
Presenter: Cerrone Download Presentation
9:30 a.m.

Session EE: Wave Theory 1

Chair: Alex Babanin

The Role of 4-wave interactions in shoaling waves
8:30 a.m.
Donald Resio and John Loveland
Presenter: Resio
Effect of mean current on spatial evolution and directional spreading of young wind-waves
8:50 a.m.
K. Kumar and Lev Shemer
Presenter: Shemer
Tidal modulation of surface waves in nearshore environments
9:10 a.m.
Allison Ho, Sophia Merrifield, Nick Pizzo, Eric Terrill, Mark Merrifield, Bill O’Reilly, Mika Siegelman and Andre Amador
Presenter: Ho Download Presentation
Fully Nonlinear Waves have a Linear Fourier Superposition Law Just as Linear Waves Do: Applications to Data Analysis, Wave Simulations and Transfer Functions
9:30 a.m.
Alfred R. Osborne
Presenter: Osborne

9:50 a.m. Break and Poster Session

Session F: Coastal Waves

Chair: Johannes Gemmrich

A Process-Based Model for Forecasting Wave Runup along the U.S. East Coast and the Gulf of Mexico
10:40 a.m.
Robert Fiegelist, Bilskie, Matthew V. and Davina L. Passeri
Presenter: Bilskie Download Presentation
Observation and prediction of extreme nearshore waves and runup on beaches
11:00 a.m.
Johannes Gemmrich and Carmen Holmes-Smith
Presenter: Holmes-Smith Download Presentation
Deriving a parametrization for estimating nearshore infragravity wave energy for scaling up wave-resolving flood hazard modelling
11:20 a.m.
Tim Leijnse, Ap van Dongeren, Maarten van Ormondt, Sanne Muis and Jeroen Aerts
Presenter: Leijnse Download Presentation
11:40 a.m.
Joanna Staneva, Sebastian Grayek, Antonio Bonaduche and Benjamin Jacob
Presenter: Staneva

Session FF: Forcing in Wave Models

Chair: Stephane Law-Chune

Impacts of forcing details on wave models in the NCEP global model setup of WAVEWATCH III
10:40 a.m.
Hendrik Tolman
Presenter: Tolman Download Presentation
Performance of ERA5 Wind Speed and Significant Wave Height Within Extratropical Cyclones Using Satellite Radar Altimeter and Wave Buoy Measurements
11:00 a.m.
John Lodise, Sophia Merrifield, Clarence O. Collins, James Behrens and Eric Terrill
Presenter: Lodise Download Presentation
The dual effect of rain and wind on waves in a small lake
11:20 a.m.
Claire Bergin, Vikram Pakrashi and Frederic Dias
Presenter: Bergin Download Presentation
11:40 a.m.

12:00 p.m. Lunch

Session G: Coastal Forecasting

Chair: Fernando Mendez

1:30 p.m.
Laura Cagigal, Beatriz Pérez-Díaz, Alba Ricondo, Manuel Zornoza, Ana Rueda, Sonia Castanedo and Fernando Méndez
Presenter: Cagigal Download Presentation
1:50 p.m.
Beatriz Perez Diaz, Fernando Méndez, Laura Cagigal and Sonia Castanedo
Presenter: Perez Diaz Download Presentation
Developing and communicating a real-time forecast for coastal change
2:10 p.m.
Margaret Palmsten,  Kara Doran, Li Erikson, Curt Storlazzi, Saeidah Banihashemi, Ali Abdolali, Ali  Salimi, Richard Snell, Alex Nereson,  Mark Buckley,  Justin Birchler, Legna Torres Garcia, Michael  Itzkin, Erdinc Sogut, Greg Dusek and Meaghan Emory
Presenter: Passeri
A metamodel for forecasting storm-induced coastal change in real-time
2:30 p.m.
Davina Passeri, Rangely C. Mickey, Meg L. Palmsten, Robert McCall, Panos Athanasiou, Anouk de  Bakker, Jenny Thomas and Anita Engelstad
Presenter: Passeri

Session GG: Wave Model

Chair: Clare O'Neill

Examining Impacts of Wave Coupling for the Next Version of the Global Forecast System (GFS)
1:30 p.m.
Jessica Meixner, Bing Fu, Matthew Masarik, Lydia Stefanova, Ali Abdolali, Saeideh Banihashemi, Ricardo Campos, Ali Salimi-Tarazouj and Avichal Mehra
Presenter: Meixner
Importance of coupled wind-generated wave processes in global Earth system
1:50 p.m.
Steven Brus, Luke Van Roekel, Olawale Ikuyajolu and Erin Thomas
Presenter: Brus Download Presentation
The influence of spectral bandwidth on wave breaking onset
2:10 p.m.
Mark McAllister, N. Pizzo, S. Draycott, R. Calvert, T. Davey, F. Dias and T. S. van den Bremer
Presenter: Steer Download Presentation
The HIGHWAVE project
2:30 p.m.
Frederic Dias and Arnaud Disant
Presenter: Dias Download Presentation

2:50 p.m. Break and Poster Session

Session H: Wave-Ice Interaction

Chair: Ayumi Fujisaki-Manome

Wave-Sea Ice Interactions for Global Climate Simulations in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM)
3:50 p.m.
Erin Thomas, Andrew Roberts, Adrian Turner and Elizabeth Hunke
Presenter: Thomas Download Presentation
Monitoring the motion of the land-fast ice in Lützow-Holm bay, Antarctica
4:10 p.m.
Tajuji Waseda, K. Tateyama, R. Uchiyama, T. Nose, T. Kodaira, T. Katsuno, T. Tamura, T.  Toyota,  M. Hoppmann and J. Rebault
Presenter: Waseda Download Presentation
Modeling two-way ice-wave intereactions in the Great Lakes using FVCOM_ice+wave model
4:30 p.m.
Jia Wang, David Cannon, Ayumi Fujisaki-Manome, Steve Constant, Steve  Ruberg and Dima Beletsky
Presenter: Wang
Coupled wave-ice interaction modelling in the Antarctic Marginal Ice Zone
4:50 p.m.
Richard Gorman, Sam Dean, Alison Kohout, Lettie Roach, Chris Horvat and Sally Garrett
Presenter: Gorman Download Presentation

Session HH: Hindcasts and Reanalysis

Chair: Merce Casas Prat

Quantifying and Reducing Uncertainty in Hurricane-driven Coastal Flooding Hindcast Simulations
3:50 p.m.
William Pringle, Soroosh Mani, Khachik Sargsyan, Saeed Moghimi, Joseph Y. Zhang and  Ed  Myers
Presenter: Pringle Download Presentation
A 43-Year NOAA Reanalysis of Coastal Waves and Water Levels
4:10 p.m.
Taylor G. Asher, Brian Blanton, Rick Luettich, Billy Sweet, Greg Dusek and Audra Luscher
Presenter: Asher Download Presentation
Description and Validation of a new 20-year global wave ensemble reforecast data
4:30 p.m.
Ricardo Martins Campos, Ali Abdolali,  Jose-Henrique Alves, Matthew Masarik, Jessica Meixner, Jessica Meixner and Darin Figurskey
Presenter: Campos Download Presentation
Integrated Modeling of Coastal and Riverine Flooding to Estimate Return Levels of Extreme Skew Surge in the Delaware Bay and River
4:50 p.m.
Mithun Deb, Zhaoqing Yang, Ning Sun, Taiping Wang, Dave Judi, Matthew Cooper and Mark Wigmosta
Presenter: Deb Download Presentation

5:10 p.m. Sessions end for day

6:30 p.m. Reception/Dinner at Studebaker Museum complex

Wednesday October 4

Session I: Tsunami and Meteo-tsunami

Chair: William Pringle

Real-time Tsunami Early Warning System by Acoustic-Gravity Wave detection
8:30 a.m.
Ali Abdolali, Usama Kadri and Maxim Filimonov
Presenter: Abdolali
Tidal oscillations (meteo-tsunami) generated by Tonga volcano eruption
8:50 a.m.
Nadao Kohno, Hiroaki Tsushima, Yutaka Hayashi and Mikhail Entel
Presenter: Kohno Download Presentation
Estimation of Minimum Magnitude of Different Tsunamigenic Earthquake Sources from six centuries old boulder fields at Anegada (British Virgin Islands)
9:10 a.m.
Hira Ashfaq Lodhi, Haider Hasan, Michaela Spiske, Brian Atwater and Yong Wei
Presenter: Lodhi Download Presentation
9:30 a.m.

Session II: Wave Forecasting 1

Chair: Jean Bidlot

On the upgraded wave forecasting system of the Copernicus Marine Service (CMEMS) : Assimilation and coupling processes
8:30 a.m.
Lotfi Aouf, A. Dalphinet, S. Law-Chune and E. Bedossa
Presenter: Aouf Download Presentation
On the implementation of a global wave ensemble of the model MFWAM at short time range : impact of two wave physics for extreme events
8:50 a.m.
Alice Dalphinet, Lotfi Aouf and Komlan Kpogo-Nuwoklo
Presenter: Dalphinet Download Presentation
Towards Probabilistic Operational Wave Modelling at the Bureau of Meteorology
9:10 a.m.
Stefan Zieger
Presenter: Zieger Download Presentation
Ensemble-based Data Assimilation for Nonlinear Deep-Water Waves and Application of Predictable Zone Theory
9:30 a.m.
Wataru Fujimoto and Kinya Ishibashi
Presenter: Fujimoto Download Presentation

9:50 a.m. Break and Poster Session

Session J: Storm Surge Modelling 1

Chair: Joannes Westerink

Assessing the systemic error of storm surge model predictions using LSTM neural networks
10:40 a.m.
Stefanos Giaremis and Noujoud Nader
Presenter: Giaremis Download Presentation
Storm surge predictions from ocean- to subgrid-scales
11:00 a.m.
Johnathan Woodruff, Casey Dietrich, Andrew Kennedy, Damrongsak Wirasaet and Diogo Bolster
Presenter: Woodruff
Improving Storm Surge Modeling Accuracy: A Sensitivity Analysis of Sea Surface Drag Parameterization
11:20 a.m.
Feyza Nur Ozkan, Martin Verlaan, Sanne Muis and  Firmijn Zijl
Presenter: Ozkan Download Presentation
11:40 a.m.

Session JJ: Wave Forecasting 2

Chair: Lotfi Aouf

From informal inter-comparisons to the Lead Centre for Wave Forecast Verification
10:40 a.m.
Jean-Raymond Bidlot, Thomas Haiden, Zeid Ben Bouallègue and Richard Mládek
Presenter: Bidlot Download Presentation
Multi-scale Wave Modeling on Unstructured Meshes in the Context of Operational Applications
11:00 a.m.
Ali Abdolali, Aron Roland, Tyler Hesser, Jane M. Smith, Mary Anderson Bryant,  Heloise Michaud, Mathieu Dutour Sikiric, Ricardo Campos, Denise Worthen, Arun Chawla, Ali Salimi-Tarazouj, Saeideh Banihashemi, Matthew Masarik, Jose  Henrique Alves, Jessica Meixner and Avichal Mehra
Presenter: Abdolali
Analyzing of the Effect of Bias Correction on Marine Weather Prediction from the WaveWatch3 Model (WW3) using Artificial Intelligence Technique.
11:20 a.m.
YongJune Park, Seung Kyun Park, Soyoug Lee and Taeyun Lee
Presenter: YongJune Park Download Presentation
Wave Data-Driven Forecasting Model Based on Deep Learning and Its Operational Status
11:40 a.m.
Jiuke Wang, Lotfi Aouf and Hantao Yin
Presenter: Wang

12:00 p.m. Lunch

Session K: Extreme Water Levels

Chair: Sanne Muis

1:30 p.m.
Sara O. van Vloten, Beatriz Pérez-Díaz, Ron Hoeke, Vanessa Hernaman, Jared Ortiz-Angulo, Claire Trenham, Laura Cagigal, Sonia Castanedo Bárcena and Fernando J. Méndez
Presenter: Hoeke Download Presentation
A European study of the marine extreme water level on coastal flooding
1:50 p.m.
Melisa Menendez, Alexandra Toimil, Hector Lobeto, Maria Suarez-Bilbao, Camila De Sa  Cotrim, Ana J. Abascal and Iñigo Losada
Presenter: Menendez Download Presentation
Modeling total water levels on the wave-dominated US west coast
2:10 p.m.
David Honegger, Carter Howe, David Hill and Merrick Haller
Presenter: Honegger Download Presentation
Could the historical storm tides in the German Bight have been higher than they occurred?
2:30 p.m.
Elke M.I. Meyer
Presenter: Meyer Download Presentation

Session KK: Wave Forecasting 3

Chair: Stefan Zieger

SWAN-Kuststrook for North Sea Forecasts
1:30 p.m.
Caroline Gautier and Joana van Nieuwkoop
Presenter: Gautier Download Presentation
Shallow water issues SWAN under extreme conditions
1:50 p.m.
Jacco Groeneweg and J. van Nieuwkoop
Presenter: Groeneweg Download Presentation
Recent Upgrade to the Bureau's Operational Wave Model
2:10 p.m.
Aihong Zhong, Robert Greenwood, Stefan Zieger, Jessica Sweeney, Tony Hirst and Charles Sanders
Presenter: Zhong Download Presentation
Wave-by-wave forecasting: What do we need?
2:30 p.m.
Alexis Mérigaud and Paolino Tona
Presenter: Mérigaud Download Presentation

2:50 p.m. Break and Poster Session

Session L: Air-sea Interaction

Chair: Takuji Waseda

Surface potential vorticity diagnostics for Hurricane Harvey: an application for baroclinic instability and hurricane movement
3:50 p.m.
Sina Khani and Clinton N. Dawson
Presenter: Khani Download Presentation
The long-term effect of OWF on the wave field in the North Sea using a spectral wave model
4:10 p.m.
Nikolaus Groll, Alberto Elizalde, Naveed Akhtar, Dmitrii Kovalevskii and Beate Geyer
Presenter: Groll Download Presentation
Frontogenesis and Langmuir Turbulence in a Hydrostatic Model
4:30 p.m.
Yalin Fan
Presenter: Fan Download Presentation
A record of extreme Arctic Cyclone and impacts of non-breaking wave-induced mixing on the upper ocean under severe weather condition
4:50 p.m.
Xingkun Xu, Tak Nose, Tsubasa Kodaira and Takuji Waseda
Presenter: Xu
5:10 p.m.

Session LL: Compound Flooding

Chair: Hendrik Tolman

Explicit Modelling of Open Channels and Compound Flooding Prediction in ADCIRC
3:50 p.m.
Shintaro Bunya, John D. Ratcliff, Rick Luettich and Brian O. Blanton
Presenter: Bunya Download Presentation
Storm surges as part of compound hazards
4:10 p.m.
Lidia Gaslikova, Philipp Heinrich, Jenny Kebschull, Ralf Weisse and  Iris Grabemann
Presenter: Meyer Download Presentation
Wave effects in a rapid compound flood model
4:30 p.m.
Maarten van Ormondt, Dano Roelvink and Ap van Dongeren
Presenter: van Ormondt Download Presentation
Development of A Combined Hurricane Storm Surge and River Runoff Model for the Texas Coast
4:50 p.m.
Eirik Valseth, Clint Dawson, Chayanon Wichitrnithed, Kenton Wu, Shukai Cai, Matthew Sacarborough and Amin Kiaghadi
Presenter: Valseth Download Presentation
Development of a Flexible, Multi-Model, Real Time, Compound Flood Forecasting System for Tropical and Non-tropical Events
5:10 p.m.
Zach Cobell, Rick Luettich, Shintaro Bunya, Brian Blanton and Lorena Penuela Cantor
Presenter: Cobell Download Presentation

5:30 p.m. Sessions end for day

Thursday October 5

Session M: Storm Surge Forecasting 2

Chair: Natacha Bernier

Predicting and Alerting for Coastal Flooding Project
8:30 a.m.
Devon Telford
Presenter: Telford Download Presentation
Using a wave model derived estimate of momentum stress to improve storm surge forecast for the UK
8:50 a.m.
Clare O'Neill, Nieves Valiente and Breogan Gomez
Presenter: O'Neill Download Presentation
Grand Bahama and Eleuthera hurricane surge pilot study
9:10 a.m.
Stephen Grey, Ye Liu, Michael Turnbull and Jeffrey Simmons
Presenter: Grey Download Presentation
9:30 a.m.

Session MM: Wave Theory 2

Chair: Don Resio

Ocean Swell, How Much Do We Know
8:30 a.m.
Alexander Babanin
Presenter: Babanin Download Presentation
8:50 a.m.
Evaluation of model wave physics within a 100-year Southern Hemisphere Extra-Tropical Cyclone Sea state
9:10 a.m.
Alberto Meucci, Ian R. Young, Acacia Pepler, Irina Rudeva, Agustinus  Ribal, Jean-Raymond Bidlot and Alexander V. Babanin
Presenter: Meucci Download Presentation
Effects of observation-based physics on validation and wave climate in the wave model WAM
9:30 a.m.
Marcel Ricker, Joshua Kousal, Heinz Günther, Arno Behrens and  Joanna Staneva
Presenter: Ricker

9:50 a.m. Break and Poster Session

Session N: Wave Climate Change

Chair: Alberto Meucci

Tropical cyclone derived ocean waves and climate change in the North Atlantic and Eastern North Pacific basins
10:40 a.m.
Christian Appendini,  Pablo Ruiz-Salcines, Rodrigo Duran, Reza Marsooli and ASM Alauddin Al Azad
Presenter: Appendini Download Presentation
Evaluation of CMIP6 global high-resolution wind forcing performance for regional wave climate modeling off the coast of South-East Australia
11:00 a.m.
Matteo Lorenzo, A. Meucci, J. Liu, I. R. Young and M. Onorato
Presenter: Lorenzo Download Presentation
A global assessment of the projected changes in wave climate from wind-wave directional spectra
11:20 a.m.
Hector Lobeto, Melisa Menendez, Iñigo J. Losada and Mark Hemer
Presenter: Lobeto Download Presentation
Challenges in assessing wave climate trends & the role of the internal climate variability
11:40 a.m.
Mercè Casas-Prat and Xiaolan Wang
Presenter: Casas-Prat Download Presentation

Session NN: Storm Surge Modelling 2

Chair: Clint Dawson

Global STOFS: A multi-scale multi-process global high resolution water level model incorporating thermohaline circulation and hydrology through heterogeneous model coupling
10:40 a.m.
Joannes Westerink, Coleman Blakely, Maria Teresa Contreras Vargas, Guoming Ling, Damrongsak Wirasaet, William Pringle, Edward Myers, Saeed Moghimi, Greg Seroka, Yuji Funakoshi, Liujuan Tang, Lei Shi, Ali Abdolali, Margaret Owensby and Chris Massey
Presenter: Westerink Download Presentation
Adding Baroclinicity and Sea Ice Effects to a Global Total Water Level Forecast Model
11:00 a.m.
Pengcheng Wang and Natacha B. Bernier
Presenter: Wang Download Presentation
Subgrid-scale Storm Surge Coastal Flood Modelling in ADCIRC
11:20 a.m.
Shintaro Bunya, Damrongsak Wirasaet, Andrew B. Kennedy, Joannes J. Westerink, Guosheng Fu and Rick Luettich
Presenter: Bunya Download Presentation
Accurately Capturing Global Tides in a Loosely-Coupled Ocean Circulation and Global Storm Tide Model
11:40 a.m.
Coleman Blakely, William Pringle, Damrongsak Wirasaet and Joannes Westerink
Presenter: Blakely Download Presentation

12:00 p.m. Lunch

Session O: Wind and Wave Climate

Chair: Val Swail

Global Distribution, Prevalence, and Severity of Crossing Sea States
1:30 p.m.
James Steer, Mark L. McAllister, Jean Bidlot, Ton S. van den Bremer and Thomas A. A. Adcock
Presenter: Steer Download Presentation
A worldwide coastal analysis of the wave systems
1:50 p.m.
Ottavio Mattia Mazzaretto and Melisa Menéndez
Presenter: Mazzaretto Download Presentation
An Updated Climatology of Marine Wind Speeds in the Approaches to Portland Maine Harbor Using a NWS Buoy
2:10 p.m.
Richard H. Bouchard
Presenter: Bouchard Download Presentation
Coastal Boulder Deposits as a Long-Lived Signature of Historical Wave Climate
2:30 p.m.
Andrew Kennedy, Melissa Berke, Rónadh Cox, Max Engel, Greg Guannel, Annie Lau and Nobuhito Mori
Presenter: Kennedy Download Presentation

Session OO: Case Study

Chair: Jennifer Irish

Predicting Waves, Storm Surge, Flooding and Damage due to Hurricane Ian (2022)
1:30 p.m.
Rick Luettich, Brian Blanton, Shintaro Bunya, Matt Bilskie, Nashid Mumtaz, Zach Cobell, Casey Dietrich, Jessica Gorski, Dan Cox, Jaimlyn Sypniewski, Isaac Ginis, Tetsu Hara and Angelos Papandreou
Presenter: Luettich Download Presentation
A Hurricane Ian Case Study to Refine Hurricane Storm Surge Forecasting Using Physics-Based Deterministic and Probabilistic Meteorological Products
1:50 p.m.
Dylan Wood,  Maria Teresa Contreras, Coleman Blakely, Albert Cerrone, Damrongsak Wirasaet, Joannes Westerink, Benjamin Pachev, Shintaro Bunya and Rick Luettich
Presenter: Wood Download Presentation
Deterministic, Dynamic Forecasts of Storm-Driven Erosion during Ian (2022)
2:10 p.m.
Jessica Gorski, JC Dietrich, D Passeri, RC Mickey, R Luettich and M Bilskie
Presenter: Gorski
Compound coastal inundation modeling on Typhoon Jebi (2018) induced wave overtopping and sewer reverse flow at Kansai Airport, Japan
2:30 p.m.
Junbeom Jo, Sooyoul Kim and Nobuhito Mori
Presenter: Kim Download Presentation

2:50 p.m. Break and Poster Session

Session Q: Coastal Modelling

Chair: David Munoz

An Overview of Coastal Hazards and Modeling System Application for the South Atlantic Coastal Study (SACS)
3:50 p.m.
Chris Massey, Norberto Nadal-Caraballo, Margaret Owensby, Ty Hesser, Mary Bryant and Fatima Bukhari
Presenter: Massey
Prediction of High-resolution Maps of Hurricane-driven Coastal Flooding using Deep Learning
4:10 p.m.
Tomas Cuevas, Brandon Tucker and Casey Dietrich
Presenter: Cuevas Download Presentation
Wave Impacts on Nearshore Processes in Coupled Wave-Flow Models
4:30 p.m.
Cagil Kirezci, Mike Herzfeld, Farhan Rizwi, Vanessa Hernaman and Ron Hoeke
Presenter: Kirezci Download Presentation
4:50 p.m.
5:10 p.m.

Session QQ: Hindcasting and Trend

Chair: Val Swail

Exploration of Approaches to Selection of Storm Events in Wind and Wave Hindcasting
3:50 p.m.
Alexander Crosby,  Andrew Cox, Liz Orelup, Michael Ferguson, Michael Parsons and Michael Morrone
Presenter: Crosby Download Presentation
An active learning approach to sample extremes with application to storm surge risk estimation
4:10 p.m.
Jiangchao Qiu and Sai Ravela
Presenter: Qiu
Why shall we use Generalized Pareto in practise: Do a sufficient amount of data belong to the domain of asymptotic behaviour.
4:30 p.m.
Sverre Kristian Haver
Presenter: Haver Download Presentation
Have historical trends in global waves impacted beaches?
4:50 p.m.
Ian Young and Mandana Ghanavati
Presenter: Young Download Presentation

5:30 p.m. Sessions end for day

6:30 p.m. Reception/Dinner in Downes Ballroom in Corbett Family Hall

Friday October 6

Session RR: Coastal Impacts and Resilience

Chair: Val Swail

Parameter Studies of the Impact of Storms on Barrier Islands, and Vice Versa
8:30 a.m.
Jennifer Irish, Stephanie M. Patch, Catherine R. Jeffries, Robert Weiss, Kyle T. Mandi, Megan Beever, Atefeh Alipour and Steven W.H. Hoagland
Presenter: Irish
Integrated assessment of coastal flood modeling and community resilience in the Great Lakes region
8:50 a.m.
Yi Hong, Sara Hughes and Eric J. Anderson
Presenter: Hong Download Presentation
Modeling Oyster Reef and Salt Marsh Resilience as a Form of Nature-Based Infrastructure in Response to Spatially Varied Hydrodynamic Conditions
9:10 a.m.
Rebecca (Becca) Stanley, Matthew Bilskie and Brock Woodson
Presenter: Stanley Download Presentation
Performance, Resiliency, and Sediment Resources for the Massive Beach and Dune System along the Texas Coast
9:30 a.m.
Himangshu Das, Jason Thies and Kelly Burks-Copes
Presenter: Das Download Presentation

9:50 a.m. Break and Poster Session

Session SS: Coastal Climate Change

Chair: Ian Young

Advancing Coastal Flooding Science: Coordinating Model Intercomparison and Surge Climate Projection Efforts.
10:40 a.m.
Natacha Bernier, M. Hemer, N. Mori and the SurgeMIP Community
Presenter: Bernier Download Presentation
Climatological potential maximum storm surge projections considering climate change
11:00 a.m.
Nobuhito Mori, Shun Ito, Tomoya Shimura and Takuya Miyashita
Presenter: Mori
Global projections of storm surges using high-resolution CMIP6 climate models
11:20 a.m.
Sanne Muis, Jeroen C. J. H. Aerts, José A. Á. Antolínez, Job C. Dullaart, Trang Minh Duong, Li  Erikson, Rein J. Haarsma, Maialen Irazoqui Apecechea, Matthias Mengel, Dewi le Bars, ndrea  O’Neill, Roshanka Ranasinghe, Malcolm J. Roberts, Martin Verlaan, Philip J. Ward and Kun Yan
Presenter: Muis Download Presentation
Compound Coastal Flooding Under a Changing Climate: Model Development and Application
11:40 a.m.
Randall L. Kolar, Christine M. Szpilka, Kendra M. Dresback, Naiyu Wang, Kevin  Geoghegan and Pat Fitzpatrick
Presenter: Kolar Download Presentation
Projections of Climate Change Impacts on Hurricane-Induced Waves and Coastal Erosion in a Mid-Atlantic Region of the United States
12:00 p.m.
Reza Marsooli and Mohammad Jamous
Presenter: Marsooli Download Presentation

12:20 p.m. Closing Remarks

1:00 p.m. Workshop Ends

2:00- 5:00 p.m. Surge Model Intercomparison Project (SurgeMIP) meeting in Room 202

Saturday October 7

8:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. Coordinated Wave Climate Project (COWCLiP) meeting in Room 202

Session P: Posters - sessions Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Can sea waves break the internet?
Lucy Bricheno
Presenter: Bricheno Download Presentation
Development of rapid coastal flood risk assessment methodology for U.S. military installations and surrounding community
Lina Cardenas, Matthew Vernon Bilskie, Scott Pippin and Benjamin Lane Carswell
Presenter: Cardenas Download Presentation
Classification of Weather Patterns and their relation to wave climatology in the Western South Atlantic
Matheus Bonjour Laviola da Silva and Ricardo de Camargo
Presenter: de Camargo Download Presentation
Application of new short-term wave distributions for metocean design conditions of worlds first Energy Island, DK
Patrick Dich Grode
Presenter: Grode
Wave model simulation of the near-surface Stokes drift under shifting winds
Carsten Hansen
Presenter: Hansen Download Presentation
Patrick Kerr, Himangshu Das, Robert Thomas, Mohammed Islam, Max Agnew, Jonathan Marshall, Kelly  Burkes-Copes, Roham Bakhtyar, Russell Nasrallah, Jacob Garrett, Tony Williams, Jens Figlus, Chris Massey and Matt Malej
Presenter: Kerr
From Redundancy to Synergy: Texas Integrated Flooding Framework Planning Project
Amin Kiaghadi, Caimee A. Schoenbaechler, Mohammad “Shahidul” Islam, Patrick Corbitt Kerr, Sam Rendon and Michael Lee
Presenter: Islam Download Presentation
Storm Surge Predictions at Hyperlocal Sites
Jenero Knowles and J.C. Dietrich
Presenter: Knowles Download Presentation
Reanalysis of wave conditions around the coast of Japan
Nadao Kohno
Presenter: Kohno Download Presentation
Considering waves in global ocean modeling within the Copernicus Marine Service framework: present status and future work
Stéphane Law-Chune
Presenter: Law-Chune Download Presentation
WAVERYSv2: a high-resolution global wave reanalysis covering the historical period from 1980 to nowadays
Stéphane Law-Chune
Presenter: Law-Chune Download Presentation
Wave modeling uncertainty in global wave climate projections: assessment and quantification
Hector Lobeto, Alvaro Semedo, Melisa Menendez, Gil Lemos,  Rajesh Kumar, Adem Akpinar, Mikhail Dobrynin and Bahareh Kamranzad
Presenter: Lobeto Download Presentation
An Open Source Python Tool for Data-driven Seamless Unstructured Mesh Generation of the Inland-Coastal Transition Zone
Soroosh Mani, Fei Ye,  Linlin Cui, Joseph Zhang, Saeed Moghimi and Edward Myers
Presenter: Mani Download Presentation
Rapid Interpolation of Digital Elevation Models to Unstructured Meshes using Cloud Optimized GeoTiffs
Nashid Mumtaz
Presenter: Mumtaz Download Presentation
High-Resolution Computational Modeling of Hurricane Irma to Develop Building Damage Functions Based on Location-Based Data
Ben Nelson-Mercer
Presenter: Nelson-Mercer Download Presentation
Wave models at the Canadian Meteorological Centre
Benoit Pouliot, Natacha Bernier and Patrick Timko
Presenter: Pouliot Download Presentation
Can Tidal and Wave Energy Be Harvested to Reduce Dependence on Fossil Fuels?
Donald Resio
Presenter: Resio Download Presentation
Subgrid Correction of Storm Surge Modeling in Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates
Haoran Sun
Presenter: Sun Download Presentation
Got Code ? Join the UFS Community !
Hendrik Tolman
Presenter: Tolman Download Presentation
Solving 2D shallow water flow model with subgrid approximation using a mixed-interpolation finite element method
Damrongsak Wirasaet
Presenter: Wirasaet Download Presentation
Spatiotemporal Sea-level Variability in Coastal Waters of U.S. East and Gulf Coasts
ASM Alauddin Al Azad and Reza Marsooli
Presenter: Al Azad Download Presentation
Impact of ensemble initialization on an extended wave forecast system
Ricardo Martins Campos, Jessica Meixner, Ali Abdolali, Saeideh Banihashemi, Matthew Masarik and Avichal  Mehra
Presenter: Campos Download Presentation
Atlantic coastal boulder deposits: A mapping approach for wave energy analysis
M.C. Bourke, L. Carmel-Spencer, R. Cox, N.D. Cullen, A.J. Mc Hugh and J.A.R. Rogers
Presenter: Carmel-Spencer Download Presentation
Acessing the Model for Prediction Across Scales–Atmosphere (MPAS-A) short range forecasts skill for the Catarina Hurricane
Danilo Couto de Souza, Pedro Leite da Silva Dias and Ricardo de Camargo
Presenter: de Camargo Download Presentation
Taeksang Kim, Julien Malherbe, Sirawit Shimpalee, Stefan Felder and Jeremy  Bricker
Presenter: Kim Download Presentation
Multi-grid parallelisation on SMC grids in WW3 wave model
Jian-Guo Li
Presenter: Li Download Presentation
Past and Future Seasonal Variability of the Spectral Wave Climate in the Mediterranean Sea
Andrea Lira Loarca and Giovanni Besio
Presenter: Lira Loarca Download Presentation
A Wind Wave Model Using Stabilized Finite Elements and Implicit/Explicit Time-Stepping
Mark Loveland, Eirik Valseth and Clint Dawson
Presenter: Loveland Download Presentation
Validation of GFS/GEFS-wave Prototypes using WW3-tools
Matthew Masarik, Ricardo Campos,  Jessica Meixner, Ali Abdolali, Saeideh Banihashemi, Ali Salimi-Tarazouj and Avichal Mehra
Presenter: Masarik Download Presentation
The Effects of Tropical Cyclone-Driven Storm Surges on Dauphin Island, AL
Caraline Miller, Matthew Bilskie and Davina  Passeri
Presenter: Miller Download Presentation
Laboratory and Numerical Simulation of Wave Inundation on a Partially Sheltered Structural Array
Zhongduo Zhang, Andrew Kennedy, Joaquin P. Moris and Damrongsak Wirasaet
Presenter: Zhang Download Presentation